- Represented a start-up technology company in a dispute over revolutionary battery energy sources, development protocols, and related non-disclosure issues. Our involvement resolved the matter in our client’s favor, and facilitated further commercial use and refinement of security logistics to better safeguard sensitive and proprietary client information.
- Represented a technology company in shareholder litigation involving control, ownership, and use of patented reverse osmosis water treatment technology. We successfully protected our client by obtaining court-ordered injunctions that prevented the principal shareholder from misappropriating company-owned trade secrets and from unfairly competing with our client through another company, ultimately leading to the successful sale of our client’s company for several million dollars, the proceeds of which were paid exclusively to our client.
- Represented a financial services company and its founder in complex business litigation involving proprietary formula in the financial industry used for loan hedging. We successfully protected our client by obtaining court-ordered injunctions that prevented the misappropriation of our client’s trade secrets, gained exclusive control of all company assets and facilitated the ouster of the company’s former principal responsible for myriad acts of misappropriation.
- Represented privately held biotechnology company in multi-million-dollar complex dispute arising out of the pioneering of its proprietary kits used for molecular cloning and expression through licensing these technologies into niche global markets. Obtained extremely favorable licensing arrangements and the company ultimately became publicly traded, now worth in excess of several billion dollars.
- Represented privately held biotechnology company, which is a manufacturer and worldwide supplier of combinational building blocks, organics and fine chemicals; successfully resolved complex employment-related claims through mediation, avoiding all costs of litigation.
- Represented principal PhD researcher and developer in the field of RNA transcription and processing in his executive status as senior director and scientific liaison for a Fortune 500 publicly traded biotechnology company.
- Represented publicly traded Fortune 500 company in disputes involving contaminated cryogenic gases affecting embryonic/reproductive applications and cryogenic contamination affecting micro-biological research applications; all claims were successfully resolved in favor of client without litigation — for nuisance value.
- Represented founder in closely held corporation regarding ownership and control of the artistic/proprietary design of packaging for liquor; resisted injunctive relief and client positioned to reap the benefits of global sales.
- Represented owner of trademark/trade name used in the apparel industry, and without filing a lawsuit, to prevent misappropriation of its trademark and forced a major Las Vegas casino to altogether change its name and the name used on all of its apparel, etc. and recovered attorneys fees associated with same.
- Represented a corporation which owned trademark/trade name rights associated with a kitchen tool, which trademark/trade name was misappropriated. A lawsuit was filed, resulting in injunctive relief; settlement ultimately resulted in the payment of royalties, attorneys fees and cessation of further acts of misappropriation.
- Represented authors of multiple educational books in a litigation against the publisher arising out of the publisher’s failure to commercially exploit/pay for, the authors royalties, etc.
- Represented international several manufacturers of jewelry in the defense of trademark infringement claims; proof of non-infringement was established and all cases were resolved for nuisance value.
- Represented publisher of combined nature/music CDs, which pioneered interactive kiosk merchandising in connection with copyright infringement action.